Arcade64 + groovy switchres 2.002i + nonag + cv1k + haynor666 patch - windows
Wolfmame64 + groovy switchres 2.002i + nonag + cv1k + haynor666 patch - windows
Arcade64 + groovy switchres 2.002i + nonag + cv1k + haynor666 patch - llinux
Wolfmame64 + groovy switchres 2.002i + nonag + cv1k + haynor666 patch - linux
HBMame64 + groovy switchres 2.002i + nonag - windows
HBMame64 + groovy switchres 2.002i + nonag - linux
This build includes all the patch tested in the previous version.
To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the corresponding folder or go to the group or go to the sixthfloor BBS
Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.