06 dicembre 2023

mame 0.261 full all patches

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002x + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002x + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.

Ragazzi scusate ma ho dimenticato di segnalare che avevo compilato la 0.260, vabbè oramai...

03 ottobre 2023

mame 0.259 full all patches

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002w + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002w + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.

18 settembre 2023

mame 0.258 full all patches

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002v + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002v + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.

04 luglio 2023

mame 0.256 full all patches - NEOGEO fixed

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002u + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002u + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.

with the hfx patch some users have noticed NEOGEOCD games wont boot (black screen), i've recompiled  and uploaded the fixed version of groovy, re download it if you have this problem.

09 giugno 2023

mame 0.255 full all patches

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002t + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002t + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.

05 maggio 2023

mame 0.254 full all patches "t" fixed

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002t + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002t + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.

28 aprile 2023

mame 0.254 full all patches

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002s + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002s + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.

04 aprile 2023

mame 0.253 full all patches (except NeoGeo, sorry)

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002r + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002r + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

- this time the NeoGeo patch it creates some errors during the build, i tried to edit it by hand but it doesn't seem to go well, i'll probably work on it later, for now i won't include it in this 0.253

No news for the Cave vs Linux match (give me info if you have any)

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.

29 marzo 2023

HBMame 0.245.10

HBMame + groovy switchres 2.002k + nonag + hfx linux

HBMame + groovy switchres 2.002k + nonag + hfx windows

For some reason, if the cv1k patch is applied, it fails to compile, I don't have the desire/time to try to understand where the problem lies, the games are still bootable from the groovymame compiled by me.

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

27 febbraio 2023

mame 0.252 full (not only arcade) all patches

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002q + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002q + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

- fixed the xmen patch 

Many linux users, since version 0.248 have problems starting cave games, thanks to David Gosse's suggestion, by disabling the dynamic recompiler (adding the -nodrc parameter), the games seem to work fine.

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.

05 gennaio 2023

mame 0.251 full (not only arcade) all patches

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002o + nonag + cv1k + hfx linux

Mame + groovy switchres 2.002o + nonag + cv1k + hfx windows

UPDATED to 2.002o

This releaase is complete, not only the arcade

To download all the versions compiled by me you can directly access my drive from here and select the version you want or go to the group

Attention windows users, i always recommend to download the standard version of mame and replace only the groovy executable after unzipping all the files, and after creating the mame.ini, so you will not have any errors due to old versions of the configuration file.