è possibile aggiungere risoluzioni direttamente dalla commandline inclusa in vmmaker, il tutto rende le operazioni più rapide.
Ecco un esempio di come fare (cito direttamente Calamity per praticità):
If you're using VMMaker beta 9, there are commands now to make this easy. Make sure the correct output is selected in the settings tab. Then, in VMMakers command line, type:
>>modelist import
This will load the modelines from the driver. Make sure the correct mode list has been loaded, by typing.
>> modelist list
Now you can add a new mode to the RAM list, by typing, e.g.:
>> mode add 320x240@60.000000
Now, list all modes again to make sure the mode is added to the RAM list:
>> modelist list
Finally, if you're happy with the resulting mode list, install it to the driver:
>> modelist install
Notice you can't add single modes through the "install" method, you always add a whole modelist, wiping the previous installed one. So if you miss the "import" step at the beginning, you'll be deleting all modes and installing just the new one you created. So be careful with this.
Anyway, you can also "import" and "export" from file. This means you can backup (you should) your tweaked modelines. It's a plain text file, so you can also insert new modelines in there and load the file back to RAM by the "import" method.
ricordo anche che è possibile avere un elenco dei comandi implementati digitando help, di seguito una lista riferita a VMMaker beta 9
display <action> <param>
init <device key> : initializes display device.
restart <device name> : restarts PCI display device, forcing driver to reinitialize.
modelist <action> <params>
build : build RAM mode list calculating modelines from user files.
reset : reset RAM mode list to start from scratch.
install : install RAM mode list to the video driver.
uninstall : uninstall mode list from the video driver.
import : import mode list from video driver and load it to RAM.
import <file_name> : import mode list from file_name and load it to RAM.
export <file_name> : export RAM mode list to file_name
list : list all modes in mode list.
enum : list all modes in mode list with indexes.
mode <action> <params...>
calc <width_height_refresh> : calculate a modeline.
add <width_height_refresh> : calculate and add a modeline to the mode list.
add <modeline> : add the specified modeline to the mode list.
del <index> : delete a modeline at index from the mode list.
edid <action> <param>
create <file_name> : creates an EDID block and saves it to <file_name>.
start <output> : starts EDID emulation on <output>.
stop <output> : stops EDID emulation on <output>.
read <output> : reads emulated EDID from <output>.